Street portraits differ from street photography; in one you are capturing a "decisive moment" and in the other you stop the moment, take charge and get the shot you want. As a portrait photographer I like to take control; I want the light a certain way, the pose a certain way, the look a certain way. To keep things natural and realistic, I will often leave things pretty much as they are, especially with street portraits, but I always like the light to be nice. Whether using natural light only or adding a reflector or fill flash, the light has to be nice.
These tourists from Germany were taking a pedi-cab ride near Bethesda Plaza in Central Park and I asked to take their picture; this was for an assignment to capture "typical" tourist things to do in New York City. Filtered sunlight was coming through the trees and I popped an off-camera flash into their faces to clean up any shadows. ISO 125, 1/160 sec. at f6.3. 18mm lens.